Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Why Michael Jackson Was Murdered

It has been over two years since Michael Jackson died, and we are left with a lot questions, controversy and conflicting feelings.  Who was Michael Jackson?  How and why did he die?

Eventually Jackson's personal physician, Conrad Murray, will likely stand trial for involuntary manslaughter.  This relates to the fatal dose of drugs he allegedly provided Jackson.   The CNN article is full of unanswered questions and wild accusations - there's some crazy stuff going on there.  So I figure, why not add my own crackpot theory to the mix?  It's actually a couple of years old.  If the truth happens to be revealed, who knows, I may not be far off.  

So here goes...

One of my favorite movies / books is The Princess Bride, by William Goldman.   And one of the villains in the story is the Dread Pirate Roberts, who has been marauding, pillaging and murdering for some 20 years. It is the Dread Pirate Roberts who is presumed to have murdered the hero of the story, Westley; as it is well known that the Dread Pirate Roberts takes no prisoners. Long story short, (SPOILER ALERT) the Dread Pirate Roberts is Westley, who reunites with his true love, and explains to her how he survived and how he came to be the Dread Pirate Roberts.

Here is the pertinent part of his explanation:

"Well, Roberts had grown so rich, he wanted to retire. So he took me to his cabin, and told me his secret. "I am not the Dread Pirate Roberts", he said. "My name is Ryan. I inherited the ship from the previous Dread Pirate Roberts, just as you will inherit it from me. The man I inherited it from was not the real Dread Pirate Roberts either. His name was Cummerbund. The real Roberts has been retired fifteen years and living like a King in Patagonia." ... Then he explained that the name was the important thing for inspiring the necessary fear. You see, no one would surrender to the Dread Pirate Westley. So we sailed ashore, took on an entirely new crew, and he stayed aboard for a while as first mate, all the time calling me Roberts. Once the crew believed, he left the ship, and I have been Roberts ever since. Except now that we're together, I shall retire and hand the name over to someone else. Is everything clear to you? "

Westley later turns the Dread Pirate Roberts over to Inigo Montoya, and they all live happily ever after.

Got it?  Good.

So how does this all relate to the murder of Michael Jackson, you might ask?

Well, the Michael Jackson who was murdered over two years ago is not the real Michael Jackson.

This is Michael Jackson.

Michael Jackson is the young boy who was the star of the Jackson 5. Somewhere between Off the Wall and Thriller, Jackson had grown so rich and famous, and having been deprived of a typical childhood, he decided that he wanted to retire and live a normal life. Still, he realized the value of the legacy and the name, so he (probably along with Quincy Jones) found a replacement Dread Pirate Roberts Michael Jackson and passed it on... this guy.

It's quite passable that they are one and the same person. But isn't it just as possible that they are not? Thriller is great, and "Billie Jean" is the best of the best. But the 2nd Michael Jackson too became rich and wanted to retire, so he found a replacement and passed it on... this guy.

"Who's Bad?" Not this guy. He's still pretty darned good. My personal favorite from Michael Jackson #3 is "Smooth Criminal". Yet the burden of being Michael Jackson is probably more than any of us could possibly understand. And to be Michael Jackson is to live such an intense life, that soon after Bad, Michael Jackson #3 became so (rich, famous, exhausted) that he too chose to retire. So he found a replacement and passed it on... this guy.

"It don't matter if you're black or white." Really? Sounds like he just about blew his own cover. Michael Jackson the musician is soon overshadowed by Michael Jackson the wacko in the tabloids. This would be where the creepy stories about Jackson's personal life, Neverland Ranch, all the accusations and lawsuits begin to surface. I suppose that's this guy's enduring legacy - that and landing Elvis' daughter. Realizing that he was in over his head and having done all he could to destroy the good name of Michael Jackson, he chose to retire. So he found a replacement and passed it on... this guy.

Now would be a good time to scroll back through the images (all of which can be found with credits by clicking the link at the end), and remember the crazy premise of this post.



Michael Jackson #5 did everything he could to ruin the legacy, bankrupt the franchise, become the subject of lawsuits and embarrassing personal details; all while failing to create anything of his own that was worth a damn.

Which brings us back to the title of this post, "Why Michael Jackson Was Murdered".

Without worrying about such inconveniences as details and facts, let's just say that entrusting the future of Michael Jackson to a talentless white homosexual pedophile was the final indignity.  Remember, all the previous Michael Jackson's became successful, rich, famous, and retired to lives of happiness outside of the public eye.  Could be on a private island somewhere, the south of France, or perhaps some gated community in the suburbs.  Who knows?  But they're still out there somewhere.

Quite simply, the four previous Michael Jacksons (and probably Quincy Jones) decided that all of this had to stop.  Which leads us to our personal physician and our controversial overdose.  Almost like the perfect crime.  If you don't exist, then you can't be a suspect.

So maybe the doctor gets off easy and in the end we are deprived of one of the greatest musicians of all time. Or not.

Still, I can look forward to this in a few months.

I hope all the other Michael Jacksons (and Quincy Jones) enjoy the show too.

For image information:

To Whom It May Concern:  Please don't sue me or send Dr. Murray to my house.  Thank you.

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